My greaziest poster to date. Come out to Joe Squared this Thursday and light a chicken with a bunch of lowbrow arteests including myself and many more of Baltimore's finest.
Here are 3 out of the 30 quick illustrations I just drew up for David Wain for his traveling comedy group Stella. David is extremely funny and directed one of my favorite movies Wet Hot American Summer. He also has an online show called Wainy days which is also hilarious. I had 2 days to really work on the 30 illustrations so they are pretty quick and simple. They will be projected at each show during a parady of the song "Moving Out." David Wain along with his friends Michel Ian Black and Michael Showalter from 90's sketch comedy show The State are on tour starting this Saturday so be sure to check them out.
I took a break from a project I've been working on for David Wain(The State, Stella, etc.) to do an illustration of Ann Coulter for The final image has her with her jaw wired shut but I liked the first one better as an illustration.
Spot illustration for Philly Weekly of Phonte from the hip hop group Little Brother. I drew him with long hair and glasses from the cover of his 80's influenced record.